List of Merchants tagged with 'e-cigs' - Page 1 EightVape was started by three recent graduates who knew each other from way back when we are teenagers. Even though we went to different colleges, vaping has brought us together once again. To us, the joy of vaping has gone beyond the love for coffee or the fondness for tea, because it symbolizes our friendship but virtualizes the trust and support among us.

And now, we want to spread this culture to anyone who understands us. EightVape strives to supply quality vape products at competitive prices, often the best prices in the market. Our goal is not only bringing you affordable devices but to establish a community where each feels the joy of vaping with friends! We work really hard to serve customers/friends with different needs and tastes. We hope you find what you need in us, tell us, and share with us. Crown7 is in fact, a leader in the electronic cigarette industry.
We started in 2007 and others simply do not have our experience and knowledge of the industry.

Crown7 has traveled to extensively to over 10 different manufacturers over the years and we assure you that we offer the best products to our customers, bar none.

Customer service is our foundation and our commitment to our customers. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please call or email and we will promptly respond. Nuvocig offers premium electronic cigarettes at competitive prices. Our e-cigs last longer, look sleeker, and are just overall better than the competition. We offer over 30 flavor-strength combinations, so there's always something that will fit your needs! Known as the original electronic cigarette distributor in the USA, blaze™ is a product of Smoke Free, Inc. Headquartered in Baltimore near the Chesapeake Bay - the blaze™ team is passionate about developing alternative smoking technology so people can still enjoy smoking without "lighting up." That passion enables us to deliver blaze™.

On any given day, you’ll find us immersed in our business – from research and development or manufacturing to community involvement, the blaze™ team is dedicated to reaching consumers through retail establishments and online. We know we have amazing technology – and we are excited to share it with our customers. Welcome to Mt Baker Vapor, your number one store for all things electronic cigarettes. We are dedicated to giving you the very best of personal vaporizer and electronic cigarette gear whether that is juice or hardware. We do business with a focus on affordable products, fast shipping, and out of this world customer service.

This ever growing company was founded in March 2011 by James Thompson and Jesse Webb. Mt Baker Vapor has come a long way from when it first began from a home made clean room, in an apartment building out of Bellingham, Wa.

The man who started it all, James Thompson, was a card dealer at a local casino. One day during an intense poker tournament, like it usually is, he stumbled upon someone using electronic cigarettes and immediately became as he called it "intrigued". He had been a previous smoker for 11 years, and the fact that he had just brought his third child into the world, he knew it was time for a change. The idea that he would not have to worry about secondhand smoke, and giving his children a carcinogen free lifestyle was a spectacular idea. In his words he stated, “I truly started because I loved electronic cigarettes. They were something new and exciting to learn about.” Which thus started his crusade in getting the word out about these wonderful devices.

Jesse and James, driving an RV with a smile down to a vape fest.James started in the vaping world by handing out starter kits and business cards for other e-cig companies out of his car in 2010, all the while he was working a full time job at a local Washington casino. But only after a few months he realized that with his business model, of the customer always comes first, he could have his own company in no time. He teamed up with a co-worker that he had met in the smoking pits at their work.

Jesse Webb started as a silent partner with MBV for a few months and then moved to become a more active entity of the company. Thus began the transition from the middle man to one of the owners of an electronic cigarette company, soon to be known as Mt Baker Vapor. Together they built a company that follows three basic ideals: efficient shipping, astounding quality service and affordable juices. It was of no wonder why they shot off of the ground and became so popular in such a short amount of time.

If you lived within, or near Bellingham, and you used to order from James and Jesse when they first started, then you luckily got to experience their home delivery option. It was a time when they were still small enough where they were able to hand-deliver each of their juices as long as it was a reasonable drive. Meaning they would make the juices at night, till the wee hours of the morning. Then would wake up a few hours later and deliver each of the juices at 4am, all so they could also keep their day jobs as well. It was true dedication to a dream they so desperately wanted to succeed.

Come June 2012 their business model paid off, and they were able to move from their homemade clean room to their first warehouse building on Sunset Pond Lane. Not only allowing them to produce more to keep up with popular demand, but also to allow them to become their own bosses, and quitting their old jobs at the casino. They were also able to bring on their first official employee to help in the production of e juice.

Month after month, the word about Mt Baker Vapor not only spread into other states, you were starting to hear about Mt Baker Vapor in other countries, something every company strives for. Thus began yet another move to a larger production building in Bellingham, and also the mass hire for more employees to keep up with the demand. Since this company has started in 2011, in the three years of operation, James and Jesse have hired over 95 employees. James and Jesse have always believed a happy staff is a happy company, and at Mount Baker Vapor, all employees make more than the Washington State minimum wage and receive full health coverage for all full-time team members. In addition to creating a multitude of jobs, Mt Baker Vapor has also prepared and shipped over half a million orders and delivered to countless people in many countries all over the world. By the year of 2014, Mt Baker Vapor was able to open its very first brick and mortar store in Lynden WA.

Location of Mt Baker VaporThis company has accomplished to change the lives of any customer who has bought from us, making the world have one less smoker and one more tobacco free vaper. Even the employees at MBV, who come from all different walks of life, would agree, it gives them a sense of purpose to go to work, knowing that they are changing lives.

Since we are primarily online, we don’t like the idea of our customers having to wait for their product. Normally orders are received, packaged and shipped within 24 hours of the customer checking out online. We can get a package from Bellingham, Washington to Florida in as few as four days.

While our product costs less than competitors, we do not skimp on quality. Even though, we only charge $4.99 for a 15ml bottle of high-quality e-juice, all of our juice is made with USDA food grade ingredients and made the day you order it. We also offer 5ml bottles of free e-juice that we include on every order, all over the world! Also, any domestic order that is more than $50 will receive free shipping to anywhere in the U.S.

When you speak with James and you ask him if he had one piece of advice to give to a new headstrong entrepreneur, his response would be,” You just gotta throw S**t at a wall until something sticks.”

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy getting to offer them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Welcome to the Mt Baker Vapor family. Vaporins' innovative technology offers the look, feel and taste of traditional smoking, but without the tar, tobacco, ash, smoke, or odor. By creating a vapor that evaporates within seconds, Vaporin offers a variety of Vaporizer's that use E-Liquid in a variety of flavors, made for adult smokers and with a unique Green LED glowing light when in use. Vaporin is not just an alternative to traditional smoking, it is a lifestyle.