Hooked on Phonics® Article:

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Hooked on Phonics: The Fun and Effective Way to Teach Children to Read

As parents, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing our children succeed in school and life. One of the key skills that set the foundation for their academic success is the ability to read. Reading is a fundamental skill that helps children learn, grow, and become knowledgeable about the world around them. However, not all children are natural learners when it comes to reading. Some may find it challenging, and others may struggle to grasp certain concepts. This is where Hooked on Phonics comes in handy.

Hooked on Phonics is an award-winning program that has helped over five million children become confident readers. The Learn to Read program is based on research, approved by the Children's Reading Foundation, and designed in conjunction with leading educators, award-winning authors, teachers, and parents. The program uses a proven, simple, and fun method to give your child a strong foundation in phonics and reading skills.

How Does Hooked on Phonics Work?

The program is designed with a multi-sensory approach to appeal to visual, auditory, and experience-based learners. It includes a variety of tools that are sure to engage children of different kinds of learners. The step-by-step approach allows children to learn about letters and sounds, as well as how to put them together to form words. Once they gain these skills, they can use them to read great stories and books.

Each lesson takes about 20 minutes to complete, making the complete Hooked on Phonics program perfect for parents and homeschoolers looking for an effective and fun reading program. Every lesson follows the same approach: Learn, Practice, Read, Celebrate.

Learn: The child learns new words by watching the lesson on the app or online and then reading the new words in the workbook.

Practice: The child then practices reading the new sound combinations and words in the workbook. This reinforces the lesson and provides tangible application.

Read: The child then puts it all together and reads a great story. Each storybook is composed of words that your child has learned to read so far in the program.

Celebrate: To celebrate the child’s success after each lesson, they get to place a sticker in the workbook. This also serves as a helpful marker to remember where to begin next time.

The Hooked on Phonics program is designed for learners of all types, as well as parents and homeschoolers who are looking for a fun and effective way to help their children become confident, lifelong readers.

Why Choose Hooked on Phonics

One of the reasons Hooked on Phonics stands out from other reading programs is the multi-sensory approach. The program is designed with a variety of tools that appeal to visual, auditory, and experience-based learners. Children can learn through educational videos, interactive games, workbooks, and storybooks.

Another advantage of Hooked on Phonics is that it is designed to accommodate children with different learning levels. The program includes four levels that cater to children from pre-kindergarten to second grade. Each level has an increased level of difficulty, building upon what the child learned in the previous level. This means that your child can move at their own pace, and parents do not have to worry about rushing through the program.

Moreover, Hooked on Phonics is designed to be fun and engaging. The program is filled with bright colors, animations, and games that make learning to read an enjoyable experience. The fun aspect of the program makes children look forward to their next lesson, keeping them motivated to continue learning.


In conclusion, Hooked on Phonics is an excellent reading program that can help children become confident readers. It is designed to make learning to read fun and engaging, with a multi-sensory approach that caters to all learners. The program is also designed to accommodate children of different learning levels, making it an ideal choice for parents and homeschoolers. With over five million success stories, it is easy to see why Hooked on Phonics is a trusted name in the world of childhood education. So, if you are looking for a fun and effective way to teach your child to read, give Hooked on Phonics a try.

Resumen en Español:

Hooked on Phonics es un programa de lectura premiado y diseñado en colaboración con educadores, autores galardonados, maestros y padres para dar a su hijo una base sólida en fonética y habilidades de lectura. Hooked on Phonics utiliza un enfoque probado, sencillo y divertido para la enseñanza de la lectura, incluyendo una variedad de herramientas multisensoriales para apelar a los estudiantes visuales, auditivos y basados en la experiencia. Con más de cinco millones de historias de éxito, Hooked on Phonics es una excelente opción para padres y homeschoolers que buscan un programa de lectura divertido y efectivo para sus hijos.

ps. This article has not been checked for accuracy of all points mentioned. Please use it as a general guide only and do your own research if required.

Share |   Posted by: Contaya.com Date posted: Apr 24th, 2023

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