

Tellinga is a unique website that offers customers the opportunity to turn their loved ones or pets into storybook characters and send them 100% hand-drawn greeting cards through snail mail.

What sets Tellinga apart from other online card shops is that it allows customers to customize their cards like never before. All they have to do is choose a card size, the length of the story (up to 200+ panels), add photos of their loved ones or pets and select a storyline. The professional artists at Tellinga then use their creativity to transform those photos into charming characters and intricate backgrounds, creating a unique personalized storybook experience.

Once the card is complete, it is sent through snail mail, making it a perfect keepsake for the recipient to cherish. Tellinga is perfect for all kinds of celebrations: birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, holidays, or just a simple thank you card. With limitless customization options, Tellinga makes sure that each card is as unique as the person they are being sent to.

Whether it's a story about a family's adventurous camping trip or a funny tale about a dog's obsession with socks, Tellinga's personalized cards make for an unforgettable and heartwarming experience. Not only does it show the recipient that you care enough to put in the effort to customize a card specifically for them, but it also brings a touch of nostalgia to the experience since snail mail has become increasingly rare these days.

Sending a Tellinga card is also a great way to support independent artists. Tellinga's team of highly skilled artists creates each card by hand, ensuring that every card is a unique work of art. By using Tellinga, you are not only sending a personalized card but supporting the creative arts as well.

Furthermore, Tellinga's dedication to environmental sustainability is another added bonus. All of their cards are made from high-quality recycled paper, and their use of snail mail eliminates the carbon footprint associated with traditional shipping methods. Thus, not only are Tellinga cards a personalized and artistic gift option, but they are also an eco-friendly choice.

In conclusion, Tellinga is an innovative website that offers a unique and heartwarming gifting experience for all kinds of occasions. Their use of personalized storybook characters and snail mail delivery make for an unforgettable gift that is both nostalgic and eco-friendly. Tellinga's dedication to supporting independent artists and their use of high-quality recycled paper further emphasizes their commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.

Resumen en español: Tellinga es una página web única que permite a los clientes convertir a sus seres queridos o mascotas en personajes de libros de cuentos y enviarles tarjetas de felicitación 100% dibujadas a mano a través de correo postal. Esta página también ofrece opciones personalizadas para hacer que cada tarjeta sea única y ofrece apoyo a artistas independientes. También es sostenible, utilizando papel reciclado de alta calidad y eliminando la huella de carbono asociada con los métodos de envío tradicionales. En resumen, Tellinga ofrece una experiencia única y emocional de regalo que es tanto nostálgica como ética y sostenible.

ps. This article has not been checked for accuracy of all points mentioned. Please use it as a general guide only and do your own research if required.

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