
What are the services provided by ShippingEasy?

ShippingEasy is a shipping and order fulfillment platform that offers a range of services to help businesses streamline their shipping processes. Some of the services provided by ShippingEasy include:

Shipping integration: ShippingEasy integrates with a variety of shopping carts and marketplaces, including Amazon, eBay, and Shopify, to make it easy for businesses to import and manage their orders.

Multi-carrier shipping: ShippingEasy supports a wide range of carriers, including USPS, UPS, and FedEx, and allows businesses to compare shipping rates and choose the best option for each order.

Shipping automation: ShippingEasy offers a range of automation features, including batch processing, rules-based shipping, and automatic label generation, to help businesses save time and reduce errors.

Inventory management: ShippingEasy offers tools to help businesses manage their inventory, including automatic reorder alerts and low stock alerts.

Returns management: ShippingEasy provides tools to help businesses process and manage returns, including automated return label generation and integration with popular return centers.

Overall, ShippingEasy is a comprehensive shipping and fulfillment platform that offers a range of services to help businesses streamline their shipping processes and better manage their orders and inventory.

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