

Tellinga is a unique online service that allows users to send personalized storybook greeting cards to their loved ones. What sets Tellinga apart from other greeting card providers is that their cards are 100% hand-drawn by professional artists, making each card a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

The process of creating a Tellinga card starts with the user selecting a recipient and providing information about them, such as their interests and hobbies. From there, the user can choose the length of the story they want to tell (ranging from one day to one month) and the artist who will create the card. The artist then uses the user's information to craft a personalized story featuring a unique character based on the user's pet.

Once the story is complete, it is printed on a postcard-sized piece of cardstock and mailed to the recipient via snail mail. The cards typically take 1-2 weeks to arrive, making them a unique and thoughtful gift for special occasions or just to brighten someone's day.

In addition to pet-based stories, Tellinga also offers a variety of other story themes, such as sports, travel, and romance. Users can even create their own custom themes to ensure that their story is truly personalized and reflects their unique relationship with the recipient.

Tellinga's commitment to quality and personalization is evident in every aspect of their service, from the hand-drawn artwork to the individualized storylines. Their cards are a testament to the power of human creativity and the enduring appeal of snail mail in a world increasingly dominated by digital communication.

Whether you're looking for a thoughtful birthday gift or just want to show someone you care, Tellinga offers a unique and memorable way to do so. So why not turn your pet into a character and send a personalized storybook card today?

En resumen, Tellinga es un servicio en línea que permite a los usuarios enviar tarjetas de felicitación personalizadas con una historia única y dibujada a mano a sus seres queridos a través del correo postal. Estas tarjetas cuentan con un personaje único basado en la mascota del usuario, lo que las hace aún más personalizadas. Tellinga ofrece una variedad de temas a elegir o incluso la posibilidad de crear un tema personalizado. Con un enfoque en la calidad y la personalización, Tellinga es una excelente opción para enviar un regalo único y significativo a alguien especial.

ps. This article has not been checked for accuracy of all points mentioned. Please use it as a general guide only and do your own research if required.

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