More about Prime Sunshine CBD


We are 100% female-owned, vertically integrated, grow from an internationally - pedigreed - heirloom proprietary seed that was brought over on a steamship from England in the early 1800' s, we own the seeds genetics for over 200 years. In 1937 when Federal Marshalls confiscated our crop, farmhands gathered up all the seed they could and smuggled it by horseback into Canada where it was vaulted and hidden away in a secret location for 81 years until the first farm bill. We arranged to have a well-known celebrity in the early '90s to have him arrested for planting 4 french hemp seeds to kick off the push for hemp legalization. He was acquitted, the defense attorney become the Governor and our farm president sued the DEA, won and began the legalization of hemp around the world over 24 years ago and today it is now legal thanks to our dedicated team. Our plants are grown on the Research Institute Campus aligned with the Medical School at the University of Kentucky, have been apart of several clinical trials at Universities around the world, studied by the World Health Organization, The National Institutes of Health with much interest now in Australia where it is being used and studied for some parasitic infestations and disease management.
Prime Sunshine has proudly maintained a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) Certification through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s largest third-party certifier of the businesses owned and operated by women in the U.S. Nationally recognized by thousands of major U.S. corporations and federal, state and local government entities, this certification is no small feat. The process is a lengthy and intensive one. To achieve WBENC certification, women-owned businesses complete formal documentation and a site visit process which is administered by one of WBENC’s 14 Regional Partner Organizations.
Working with a WBENC-certified company can provide your company with many tax benefits that the federal government affords tax incentives for those who conduct business with minority and women-owned businesses. Additionally, tax liabilities are reduced for projects funded with federal or state grants or loans when the supplier is a women-owned business.