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IfOnly is a marketplace for extraordinary experiences with the world's top talents. Learn how to make an incredible dish from a Michelin-starred chef, meet your favorite musician before a concert, or have your tennis swing analyzed by the same coach that took Andre Agassi to greatness, it's all possible via IfOnly. As we feel that living well also means doing good, a portion of the proceeds from every sale on IfOnly is directed to a non-profit of the luminary's choosing. And because we seek to create the opportunity for connection at every level, prices on IfOnly range from a digital badge for $1 to a golf getaway with a master of the game for $200,000.

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At IfOnly, we believe that true luxury is not another bauble or thing, but rather the extraordinary experiences we remember and share. We believe that seizing the moment can transform the world within us, and around us. We believe we can ignite inspiration by connecting individua... read more

Posted by: Contaya.com Date posted: Dec 17th, 2013

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