
Sign-up for Redbox Instant™ by Verizon

Redbox Instant by Verizon offers consumers a free one month trial that includes unlimited streaming of a library of movies plus 4 DVD rental credits at the Redbox kiosk.

· Subscribers gain instant, unlimited access to streaming movies.
· Subscribers also receive 4 DVD credits at the kiosk.
o DVDs can be reserved online, on a mobile device, Xbox, Samsung Smart TV or Blu-ray Disc player. Additionally, subscribers can use credits right at the kiosk by swiping the payment card associated with their Redbox Instant by Verizon account.
o Subscribers can pick up and drop off DVDs at any one of the more than 36,800 Redbox kiosks nationwide.
· Stream from almost anywhere on almost any device: Android, iPhone, tablet, computer, Xbox.
o New devices are always being added!
· Subscribers pay just $8 a month after the free trial ends.

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